Victory after Victory

Victory after Victory

David’s friend Nahash, king of the Ammonites had died, and his son Hanun took his place. David, wishing to show compassion to Hanun, sent him some servants with gifts to mourn the loss of his father. But Hanun’s servants were evil and spoke lies about David’s servants in his ears. Believing these lies Hanun shaved the servants, shamed them, and sent them away. This led to a ferocious battle between David and the Ammonites. Many lives were needlessly lost because of the lies Hanun believed.

In our last episode we saw David’s heart to honor God and build Him a home, a temple where His glory could be on display for the world to see. As a result of his faithfulness, David received a message from God through the prophet Nathan – God would establish a lasting kingdom through David. God blessed David’s efforts, both as king and as a warrior, and today we’ll continue to see the victories God gives David. We’ll also hear how the king of Ammon meets David’s act of kindness with distrust and disrespect and discovers that David is not a king to be mocked or toyed with. And as always, through it all God’s name will be made known not just among the Israelites, but throughout the nations.
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