The End

The End

As the Soldiers, Sailors, and Prisoners lay exhausted on the beach where they just landed, some natives came and welcomed them. As they all sat by the fire, Paul threw some more sticks in and was bitten by a viper. What should have killed him did not, and when the natives noticed this they asked him to pray over their sick chief. After this, Paul and the men with him finally reached Rome. There, believers welcomed them and preached the Word to Jews and Gentiles alike.

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Acts 28:30-31
In our last episode, we heard how the ship that carried Paul and other prisoners headed to Rome was overwhelmed by a storm and forced to run aground on an island. Throughout days of terror and distress, Paul comforted the crew and passengers, telling them that the God he served would spare every life on the ship. After more than two weeks of peril, they finally arrived safely on the island of Malta, just as Paul had said they would. Today we’ll hear how the inhabitants of Malta were kind and welcoming, and how God works through Paul to heal the sick on the island and to provide a way to leave the island. We’ll also hear of Paul’s arrival in Rome, the welcome he received from the church there, and the openness of the Jews in Rome to hear about his hope in Christ.
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