Bible in a Year Devotional Collection

Jesus on Trial

The crowds drag Jesus to Pilate demanding his approval of the death sentence.

Jesus' Death and Burial

Jesus, given a large wooden cross to carry, was slowly working His way up to the place of the skull.

The Resurrection

All who were loyal to Jesus began to live in fear. Even His enemies, the very ones who put Him to death lived in fear.

The Traveler

As the Traveler blessed the meal and broke the bread, the men realized He was Jesus.

Do You Love Me?

Thomas and the disciples were arguing about the reality of what they just saw.

I am with You

Jesus continued to teach His disciples about the kingdom of God.

Tongues like Fire

Crowds of Jews from all over the world were gathering in Jerusalem for Pentecost.

No Silver, No Gold

The gift Peter gave to the beggar was not one of silver or gold but of healing.

Ananias and Saphira

Ananias and his wife Saphira sold some property to look generous to others.

Arrested and Beaten

An angel of God rescued Peter, John, and the other disciples sitting arrested in a dungeon.

A New Enemy

As the story of Jesus was spreading throughout Jerusalem, the number of believers was growing as well.

The Mission of Philip

Philip, was in the city of Samaria teaching the people about Jesus and the Kingdom of God.

Saul and the Light

Saul, filled with rage, was a force against all who claimed the name of Christ.


Peter, walking the streets of Lydda preaching the Gospel to all who would listen, came to a man named Aeneas.


In Caesarea, there was a centurion named Cornelius. He was a good man and a God-fearing man, but he was also a Roman gentile.

Little Christs

As more men and women came to faith in Jerusalem, more were beaten and thrown into jail.

Death and Escape

As men and women ran from burning buildings to escape death, they were captured by King Herod and imprisoned.

Saul to Paul

The Church in Antioch continued to grow under the direction of God.

Gods and Stones

The elders of Antioch came and captured Paul, bringing him out to the city to be stoned.

The Jerusalem Council

The lies that began in Antioch continued to spread throughout the Christian communities.

Dear Galatia

During his travels, Paul heard about the lies that were being spread in Galatia.

Singing Jailbirds

Paul, Luke, Silas and Timothy were being followed around by a demon-possessed slave woman.

The Unknown God

Paul, Silas, and Timothy were teaching at a synagogue in Thessalonica.

Paul in Corinth

Every day, Paul would go into the synagogues and marketplaces where he would preach about Jesus.

Paul in Ephesus

From Corinth, Paul and his team journeyed to Ephesus.

Leaving the Ephesians

Paul healed a boy who fell from a third-story window.

Paul Beaten in Jerusalem

Paul attends a purification ceremony to appease the Jews.

Whitewashed Tombs

As Paul stood before the judge, he saw his opportunity to shift the attention from himself.

Paul on Trial

In the hall of Governor Felix, Jewish representatives, and lawyers were making their accusations against Paul.

The Mighty Storm

As Paul was on the ocean on his way to trial, Luke was by his side and the two of them enjoyed a brief reprieve.