Bible in a Year Devotional Collection

Abijah and His Son Asa

Abijah was harsh, like his father Rehoboam, and his reign was filled with war and strife.

Elijah and the Drought

As a drought was entering the land, Elijah looked around with sorrow.

Elijah on Mount Carmel

For three years the famine in Israel continued and King Ahab was desperate to find Elijah.

Elijah at Mount Sinai

Ahab, sore from being made a fool by God’s display at Mount Carmel, went home to complain to his wife Jezebel.

Naboth's Vineyard

In Israel, there was a man named Naboth who lived close to the land of the king.

Jehoshaphat and Ahab

Jehoshaphat, King of Judah, spent his time fortifying cities and tearing down idols.

Justice, Honor, and Music

As the King returned to Judah, he was dejected and downcast.

A Fallen King and Falling Fire

One day while King Ahaziah was walking around the lattice of his upper room, he fell and injured himself.

Chariots of Fire

As Elijah and Elisha traveled, the sky opened up and chariots of fire descended to receive Elijah taking him away.

Three Kings vs The Moabites

Joram, King Ahab’s son was now King over Israel, and for 12 years he built a kingdom that fed his self-importance.

Everyday Miracles

As the prophet Elisha was teaching in the towns of Israel, and caring for the people, he experienced miracle after miracle.

God Promises a Child

One day as Elisha was in the town of Shunem, he was taken in by a wealthy woman and her family.

A Rotting Body Made New

Naaman, developed leprosy and his days in battle started becoming fewer.


Naaman proclaimed his allegiance to the God of Israel and sought to gift Elisha, but Elisha refused.

Blind Soldiers

Through prayer, God delivered the men of Aram into Samaria, sparing them from bloodshed.

Famine in Samaria

Israel briefly experienced peace and prosperity, only to be disrupted when Ben-Hedad besieged the city.

Elisha and Hazael

Elisha breaks down in tears after learning about the destruction Hazael will cause.

Jehu becomes King

The reign of King Ahab had finally come to an end. But his son Joram was just as set on evil as he was.

The End of a Witch’s Story

Riding towards the gates of Joram’s former palace, Jehu confronts the wicked king's mother Jezebel.


Jehoshaphat, in an attempt to broker peace between him and Israel, betrothed his son Joram to Ahab’s daughter Athaliah.


Athaliah had finally fallen and Joash was now king.

Broken Kings and a Dying Prophet

The rulers of Israel were trapped in a cycle of wickedness and self-worship.

Jonah and the Fish

Jonah, a questionable prophet of God, heard the word of God telling him to go to Nineveh.

Jonah and the Withered Tree

Jonah, sulked outside the city cursing God for his goodness and mercy.

The Thistle and the Cedar

Returning to the Kings of Judah we find the story of Amaziah, the son of Joash.

A Great Kings Downfall

The people of God needed a strong, courageous, godly King, and Uzziah provided that hope for the people.


Ahaz son of Jotham did not share his father’s will to follow God, instead, he followed evil.

Israel’s Sin and Punishment

Every year, King Hoshea would send a tribute to Shalmaneser, king of Assyria, to protect them.

King Hezekiah

King Hezekiah bore the burden of having Ahaz as his father, but he was nothing like him.

A Gentle Yet Terrifying Slaughter

As the armies of Assyria surrounded the kingdom of Judah, Hezekiah met with his men.