

In Caesarea, there was a centurion named Cornelius. He was a good man and a God-fearing man, but he was also a Roman gentile. He prayed to God daily and sought to do good to those who were less fortunate. His prayers were heard by God, and God told him in a dream to send for a man named Peter who was staying in Joppa. At the same time, Peter was praying and in a vision experienced a message from God about calling anything unclean or common. When the men sent by Cornelius arrived, he went with them, and when the whole party arrived at the house of Cornelius, Peter saw what God was trying to tell him. He then obediently preached the message of Jesus to Cornelius’ entire household. All of Cornelius’ family and friends came to believe in Jesus and were baptized.

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Acts 11:9
In yesterday’s episode, we heard how God worked through Peter in the towns of Lydda and Joppa to bring physical healing and life to the sick and dead, and that ultimately these healings pointed more people to the healing found in Jesus. Today we’ll see the Gospel once more going beyond the Jews, as a Roman family comes to faith in Christ. We’ll also see how God is still working on the hearts of the disciples as He speaks to Peter and shows him that no person is unclean or excluded from God’s grace.
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