The Woman at the Well

The Woman at the Well

Around noontime, as Jesus traveled through Samaria, He rested near a well. While there, He met a woman coming up to draw water. As they exchanged conversation, she came to realize that the man she was speaking to was the Messiah she had been looking for! She ran at once to tell all her neighbors to come to see the man who told her about living water. And when they did, they believed.

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John 4:14
In our last episode, we heard how Jesus cleared the temple, an act of zeal for God’s house and a sign once again that he was the Messiah. Many did not understand him, or accept him, and the religious leaders began to feel the threat Jesus posed to their status quo. We also heard of one Pharisee, Nicodemus, who wanted to know more from this Jesus and sought him out at night. He went away deeply impacted by Christ’s words, but still not seeing clearly. Today we’ll hear the story of a very different person. This woman was not a learned teacher, and she didn’t seek Jesus out. She was in many ways the polar opposite of Nicodemus. And yet as Jesus spoke to her directly but with compassion, her entire life is changed as she experiences forgiveness in a way she’d never felt before.
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